Gorilla Fitness

Health and fitness enthusiasts often become obsessed with their exercise routines. Even when they’re supposed to be relaxing on vacation, their day doesn’t feel complete without a workout. Maintaining your fitness while traveling can be challenging because you don’t have...
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Whether you travel for work or just take annual vacations, if you’re like most of us—you struggle to stay in shape on the road. Traveling can turn your training upside down, but working out while traveling has several perks as...
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When most of your waking hours are spent behind the wheel, sticking to healthy habits can be tough. The average person has access to a kitchen and nearby gym, but truck drivers, road warriors, and serial travelers lack those common luxuries.
But thankfully, you don’t need those things to care for your health—even if you’re traveling a lot. Here are some simple, foolproof ways to stay healthy and fit on the road.