Gorilla Fitness
If you’ve ever trained for a race or another fitness-based competition, you’re probably familiar with carbohydrate loading. Maybe you picture a bunch of athletes sitting down with a large spaghetti plate — complete with tomato sauce and toasted Italian bread...
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It’s no secret that regular exercise is good for you. Everyone knows that staying active is conducive to maintaining a healthy weight, decreasing the risk of disease, and supporting your overall physical and mental health. And yet, many of us...
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Any strength or resistance training workout will have you perform a certain number of sets and reps. You don’t have to think much about these numbers when following a written workout, but what if you want to create your own...
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Did you know that most people don’t keep their New Year fitness resolutions (like exercising more or losing weight) past the first three months? And in 2018, only four percent of people reported sticking to all of their goals for...
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There’s only one topic that fitness fanatics debate more often than when to eat protein, and that’s whether or not free weights or resistance bands will give you a better workout. While we like to think there’s a world where...
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